We are looking to hire a Team Supervisor for DEM's Mitigation Office, located in Centennial, CO in the Denver Metro Area.
From the announcement: The Mitigation Team Supervisor supervises the State's hazard mitigation planning team, which consists of three positions with analysis, assessment, planning and grant administration duties. The position performs research and develops draft technical and risk assessment documents and benefit/cost analysis methodology papers. The team supervisor will also create maps and use GIS software and other tools, including statistical analysis and probability tools to determine risks, probability of occurrence, depict project locations, determine lat/long coordinates, etc.
Ok... now... technical descriptions of duties aside, the mitigation office manages projects that make a real difference in enhancing safety for Colorado residents, local governments, and businesses. Most importantly, the position in our mitigation office joins and leads a very cool group of dedicated people.

The State's mitigation office does this by providing project input, guidance, and coordinating grant activities to accomplish specific projects with local governments and entities designed to lessen the threat posed to communities by known hazards. From wildfire mitigation and improving wildland urban interface areas in our communities to water detention and channeling projects to guard against flooding, the Division's mitigation projects are real, tangible and the core of making our communities safer.
Make a real difference? Work with a cool team? Check it out the official announcement
If you have any questions, contact Susie Esparza in our HR office at susie.esparza@state.co.us or at (303) 866-5884.