Guest Blog Post: Train-the-Trainer Course Day One

We will be running a Guest Blog this week from the Train-the Trainer course being held at the Colorado Division of Emergency Management office this week.   

Day One of the FEMA Incident Command System (ICS) Train-The-Trainer (TTT) L449 class started out with a 300 word essay on "How to Engage Your Audience". This exercise was a great way to start of the discussion and learning points of adult learning methodology. This advanced instructor methodology is digging into techniques like imbedding videos, creating professional Power Point slides and learning how to connect with your students.  The homework is to create six slides about some "information" and how to connect with the audience.

The L449 class is a select group of trainers who will teach the ICS 300 and ICS 400 classes in Colorado (and beyond).  A broad representation from across the state, many disciplines and agencies make up the group of new trainers.  Individuals from seven all-hazards regions in the state are represented in the training class. The class will join approximately 60 Colorado L449 instructors who have been teaching ICS for the last six years.

If you missed the opportunity, other classes exist at the Emergency Management Institute (EMI) and the State Training Officer, Robyn Knappe, can direct you to them.  Each potential applicant is screened and qualified for sufficient knowledge, expertise and background.  Colorado has instructor standards that exceed the national requirements that allow the highest quality ICS classes to be taught. These requirements include current and refresher instructor methodology elements to keep our Colorado instructor pool top notch.

This class was sponsored by the Colorado Division of Emergency Management (CDEM) and the Division of Fire Safety (DFS).  CDEM was able to provide the instructors, lodging and materials for the course from grant funding to build capacity for the State of Colorado.  This training represents the level of importance that Colorado believes is necessary to provide ICS training in all areas of the state.
More class information will follow throughout the week.  
Submitted by:  Robyn Knappe, CDEM Training Manager