US National Response Team - Joint Information Center Model

If you have not seen it, the U.S. National Response Team has published an updated response team Joint Information Center model (two versions - one print ready and one automated) on their team Guidance, Technical Assistance and Planning page.

Since I am currently deep in drafting of a comprehensive, Colorado-specific Joint Information System/Center Manual, PIO Field Guide(s) and a Crisis Communication Guide to help PIOs respond to specific threats faced in Colorado, the posting is a welcome reference tool.  I will be drawing heavily from the guidance in this manual, as well as others as we further develop our Colorado system here at the Division. 

The intent of our effort is to codify procedures for the State, as well as, generate a toolkit for consideration by any organization involved in emergency management/crisis communications in Colorado that provides specific contacts, checklists and is designed to work within how Colorado emergency management is organized - including how to integrate into and use Colorado's online emergency management tools to help in your day-to-day functions.

In any event, the NRT JIC Model is very well organized and thorough.   It is also, obviously, compliant with the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Incident Command System (ICS).  The Job Aids, References, Worksheets and Samples, in particular, are well done.

What the work being done here at the Division is intended to do is provide a crosswalk of the fully-functional, well-staffed and resourced goal and the reality of most local Colorado PIOs who might not have those capabilities ready to launch.

In any event, I thought those of you in PIO-world would enjoy taking a look and, if you have any questions about the Division's efforts on this front or are interested in being involved down the line as we develop the local tools, shoot me an email at  I'd be happy to write/talk to you about it!