Colorado Emergency Management Association Awards

Who better to recognize and reward excellence in emergency management but from those who live it?  It is that time of the year to think about recognition of emergency management excellence.

The Colorado Emergency Management Association (CEMA) is soliciting nominations from its membership for the Regional Emergency Manager of the Year Award and Rookie Emergency Manager of the Year.  CEMA is requesting nominations for these special recognitions which will be presented at the 2010 Colorado Governor's Emergency Management Conference (February 23-25, 2010)

Nominations should be forwarded to Steve Blois at and are due by December 31, 2009. 

The operational guidelines are:
- Two nominations are required for each category, from CEMA members in good standing
- The nominee may or may not be a CEMA member
- Nine All-Hazard Regions Emergency Manager of the Year nominations are encouraged
- One Rookie Emergency Manager of the Year will be recognized ("rookie" means no more than 2 years in the position)
- CEMA nominators may be from any region
- A nomination should contain supporting reasons to be considered