Job Announcement(s) - South/Southeast Region Field Manager and State EOC Systems Administrator

Reminder from the HR - The Division is currently looking to hire two, full-time positions:

South/Southeast Emergency Management Region Field Manager - As an Emergency Management Field Manager, this position coordinates with and provides emergency management technical assistance to local government emergency management organizations in South and Southeast Colorado prior to, during and following a major emergency or natural disaster.  The emphasis is on preparedness actions to improve local and state response and recovery to all-hazards emergencies.  For more info on the duties and position, go to

State Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Systems Administrator - This position as the State Emergency Operations Center Systems Administrator will maintain readiness of emergency response systems in the State's primary and alternate Emergency Operations Centers (EOC).  The primary function of this position will be to ensure the functionality of EOC operational resources including web-based EOC applications, internet based portals, audio-visual equipment, telecommunications devices, TV and situational displays, and radio communications systems necessary to support the state's emergency response operations, and to provide high level direct support to State EOC personnel and staff during state disaster emergencies and emergency response training and exercises.  For more info on the duties and position, go to