Job Opportunity - Emergency Management Director - Teller County

Teller County seeks an Emergency Management Director. Position is a Department Head and reports to the County Administrator.  Must be able to coordinate County activities relating to preparing for or combating disaster situations in accordance with State and Federal law and County policy; coordinate Emergency Medical Services within the County and serve as a member of the EMS Council. Must be able to prepare/administer annual budgets for emergency preparedness as well as Fire and EMS support, monitor income/expenses to ensure budgetary compliance and progress of special programs and projects, assist in County Wild-land Fire activities at the direction of the County Fire Marshal (County Sheriff).  Also must represent Teller County on County, State and Federal advisory councils and act as liaison between emergency response agencies and the Board of County Commissioners; promote improved coordination of emergency response and emergency management activities with adjacent county emergency managers in support of regional capabilities.

Qualifications:  Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management or related field plus five years experience in management, administration and budgeting, training in Emergency Preparedness.  Experience in disaster planning, services and operations is desirable.  Valid CO driver’s license required.  Salary: $3,938-$4,375/month plus complete benefit package DOQ. 

Applications available at the Teller County Centennial Building, 112 North A Street, Cripple Creek, CO or at  Completed application plus resume due by 12:00 p.m., Friday, April 2nd, 2010 at the above address.  EOE

For any questions regarding the application or process, call the Teller County Human Resources office at (719) 689-2988.