Emergency Management Performance Grant Update

EMPG Update Letter from Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Director

This is an update on the Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) and other
grant contracts and reimbursements for Fiscal Year (FY) 12. To begin, I apologize for the
time taken to get the contracts finalized and your reimbursements processed. I realize
this caused hardship for many jurisdictions.

With the transition to the Department of Public Safety, all the contracts needed to be
revised to reflect the reorganization and undergo a review and approval process through
the State Controller’s Office. In addition, we were unable to issue the EMPG contracts
until we received the actual FY12 Award from FEMA, which happened in August, during a
disastrous fire season, putting us further behind. The Division is making progress on these
issues and refining our processes to be better able to turn the contracts and
reimbursements around in the much shorter time. I assure you that all reimbursement
requests received by November 30, 2012 that have fully executed contracts in place, will
be processed and payment sent to the local jurisdiction prior to December 31, 2012.

I understand we still have work to do and we will improve and streamline our operations
and administrative processes. I appreciate the work you do in your communities and our
partnership in serving the people of Colorado.

If you have any questions, please contact me.


Kevin R. Klein

View EMPG letter