COEmergency Pages

Planning for Drought Resilience from FEMA

The DHSEM Mitigation and Recovery Staff forwarded this information from our partners at FEMA to share with our stakeholders.  This information will be applicable to many as DHSEM begins the applicatoin process for FEMA's Pre-Disaster Migitation and Flood Mitigation Assistance Grants.  Learn more about Planning for Drought Resilience by following the links below. 

FEMA graphic showing drought impacts

To learn about mitigating drought, read the “Planning for Drought Resilience Fact Sheet”. To learn more about these project types, visit “Mitigating Flood and Drought Conditions Under Hazard Mitigation Assistance.”  To learn more about various Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) project types, visit the “Hazard Mitigation Assistance Mitigation Activity Chart.”

About “Mitigation Minute”

This series is provided by FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Assistance Division. The “Mitigation Minute” contains a weekly fact about grants and resources provided across the country to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to people and property from natural hazards.