COEmergency Pages

An Introduction to the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) for Disaster DR-4145

Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Presented by the Colorado Office of Emergency Management

DATE:  Friday, December 13, 2013,

TIME:  9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

WHERE:  9195 East Mineral Avenue, Centennial, CO 80112

(South Metro Fire/Rescue Building, Basement Level, Training Rooms 1&2)

If you cannot attend in person, the presentation will be made available online. The link and presentation materials will be published on as we get closer to the date.

Program Description: HMGP is authorized under Section 404 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act. HMGP provides post-disaster grants to states, local governments, and certain private non-profit organizations to implement long-term natural hazard mitigation measures after a major disaster declaration. Nonfederal cost share is 25% of eligible costs. HMGP funding will be calculated based on 15% of eligible expenses associated with the FEMA Public Assistance and Individual Assistance Programs. The 30-day estimate is approximately $30 million.

What are the areas of eligibility? Open Statewide

Who is eligible to apply?*  State Agencies

Indian Tribal Governments

Local Governments (including special districts)

Private Non-profit organizations that own or operate a facility that provides essential government type services to the general public

Note: Individuals and businesses are not eligible to apply for HMGP funds; however, an eligible entity may apply for funding on behalf of individuals and businesses.

*Entities requesting project funds should have a current, adopted, and FEMA-approved local hazard mitigation plan in place. Entities without a current FEMA-approved hazard mitigation plan in place must commit to having a current, adopted, and FEMA-approved local hazard mitigation plan in place in time to receive the FEMA funds. Entities without a plan or with a plan scheduled to expire soon may request local hazard mitigation planning funds.

Eligible Mitigation Activities: Hazard Mitigation Planning, Property Acquisition and Structure Demolition, Property Acquisition and Structure Relocation, Structure Elevation, Dry Floodproofing of Historic Residential Structures, Dry Floodproofing of Non-residential Structures, Minor Localized Flood Reduction Projects, Structural Retrofitting of Existing Buildings, Non-structural Retrofitting of Existing Buildings and Facilities, Safe Room Construction, Wind Retrofit for One- and Two-Family Residences, Wildfire Mitigation, Infrastructure Retrofit, Soil Stabilization, Post-Disaster Code Enforcement, Generators, 5% Initiative Projects, Advance Assistance

Light reading prior to

Note: This is a presentation. No finance decisions or commitments will be made at this information session.