COEmergency Pages

Extention Approved for Transitional Sheltering Assistance

FEMA has approved a second extension to the Transitional Sheltering Assistance (TSA) program, which pays for eligible flood evacuees to stay in participating hotels and motels.

Eligible individuals and families whose homes are still uninhabitable, inaccessible or without utilities may continue to have a safe place to staythrough Nov. 2 (checkout Nov. 3). The previous checkout date was Oct. 20.
  • TSA allows eligible individuals and families to stay temporarily in participating hotels, with FEMA and the state picking up the bill for eligible room costs and taxes.
  • Survivors may no longer have a need for TSA if their home is inspected and is found to be functional, accessible and has power.
  • An automated phone message has notified applicants if they are eligible for this period of assistance ending Nov. 2.
Individuals and families who are not eligible for the program may be considered for additional FEMA rental assistance.

Applicants may need to provide rental agreement information.

For questions, contact the FEMA Helpline by phone, 800-621-3362, from 5 a.m. to 8 p.m., MDT, seven days a week. Multilingual phone operators are available on the FEMA helpline. Choose Option 2 for Spanish and Option 3 for other languages.

People who have a speech disability or are deaf or hard of hearing may call (TTY) 800-462-7585; users of 711or Video Relay Service can call 800-621-3362.

A total of 598 households stayed in hotels and motels last night under TSA.