COEmergency Pages

L-381 Incident Leadership Class

The L-381 Incident Leadership course is sponsored by the Colorado Wildland Fire & Incident Management Academy at the Winter Academy and it still has a few seats available. Tuition for the course normally costs over $1200 per person, but with the help of a grant it  can be taken for $325.
The application deadline was November 15, however,applications will be accepted until the class is full. 

Target audience
Fire department leadership with jurisdictional responsibilities in wildland fire protection.
This course is open to Colorado Fire Departments, Fire Protection Districts, or Sheriff’s Wildland Positions only at the quoted costs. If the course does not fill up, vacant seats may be opened for other cooperators, partners, or CSFS at the full course cost.

Course Dates
January 7-11, 2012

Course Prerequisites

* Qualified as any strike team leader, task force leader (TFLD), incident commander type 4 (ICT4), any support unit leader, or supervisory dispatcher.

* Human Factors in the Wildland Fire Service (L-180).

* Satisfactory completion of pre-course work, if any.
CSFS received a grant from IMA and Fireman’s Fund Insurance to improve fire protection in the Wildland Urban Interface. CSFS will be using the grant funds to support leadership training for fire departments in the WUI. The L-381 Incident Leadership Course will be offered at the Winter 2012 Colorado Wildfire and Incident Management Academy at a significantly reduced cost to students. The class size will be limited.

Contact and Course Information
Wendy Fischer at the CWFIMA is coordinating this course. Specific questions on course logistics can be directed to Wendy at or located online at: