COEmergency Pages

Community Specific Integrated Emergency Management Course (IEMC)

The Integrated Emergency Management Course (IEMC) is a week long exercise based training designed to take an entire team of professionals from a city or county to the National Emergency Training Center in Emmitsburg, MD for resident training to accomplish community emergency management objectives.  IEMC places public officials and emergency personnel in a realistic crisis situation within a structured learning environment, as the course progresses scenario-related events of increasing complexity, threat, and pressure occur.  Participants develop emergency policies, plans, and procedures to ensure an effective response.  The course culminates in an emergency exercise designed to test participant knowledge, awareness, flexibility, leadership, and interpersonal skills under extreme pressure.

Applications are extensive and the chief elected official of the jurisdiction submits a letter of request, addressing the specific criteria to the state of Colorado, Robyn Knappe, State Training Officer, Colorado Division of Emergency Management.  The applications will be reviewed and prioritized for inclusion and forwarding to the FEMA Regional office for review.  The deadline for application is mid-January but to allow for state and FEMA review - all Colorado applications should be submitted to CDEM by December 15, 2011.  For more information, contact Robyn Knappe, or 720-852-6617.  More information on the IEMC can be viewed here.