COEmergency Pages

2010 Annual Demography Meeting - 11/5 - Arvada, CO

Presented by the Department of Local Affairs' State Demography Office and the Northwest Council of Governments, the 2010 Annual Demography Meeting will be held from 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. on November 5, 2010, at the Arvada Center for the Performing Arts.

I can feel some of you now thinking... demography?  I am in emergency management... so...

Understanding demographics is critical for emergency managers and first responders and, in particular, planners and communicators.  The 2010 Annual Demography Meeting will focus on Colorado-specific population and economic trends and forecasts, provide an update on the 2010 Census and demonstrate hands-on tools to access Census information, and will discuss how immigration issues are developing across Colorado.  The meeting will be an opportunity for emergency management personnel to directly connect with State and local demographers and experts to understand how forecasts are made and how these trends will facilitate or complicate emergency planning and response efforts across the State.

These issues are the foundation upon which effective emergency management planning and response are built.  Emergency management exists to serve populations potentially or directly affected by disasters.  In its simplest form, there are two key elements to planning for and accomplishing this mission effectively:
  • Understand the affected/potentially affected population.  Emergency managers must understand their population's size, makeup, communication needs and challenges and over-the-horizon trends.  This meeting will provide better tools and contacts to facilitate your size-up/planning efforts locally and in your region.
  • Understand the financial landscape impacting emergency planning and response.  The current economic climate is affecting both populations and government/emergency responders.  Understanding how these trends are influencing needs and service provision is critical. 

These two issues are intimately related to demography and will serve as the basis for presentations/discussions at the 2010 Annual Demography Meeting.

Registration is $65 per person.  For registration information, download the 2010 Annual Demography Meeting flyer or visit the Department of Local Affairs Demography site.  For questions regarding the meeting, contact