COEmergency Pages

Independent Study Course - EMI - Exercising Continuity Plans for Pandemics

Robyn Knappe, DEM Training Officer, passed along a course flyer for a 1-day Emergency Management Institute IS-522 Exercising Continuity Plans for Pandemics course.  The course is an online course you can take through the EMI Independent Study website (   According to the flyer, the course "covers fundamental continuity principles and processes but is focused on the special requirements for pandemics."  It will address strategies for managing pandemics that include telework, social distancing, as well as, special protection strategies for first responders, healthcare professionals and others.

The primary audience for the course are any emergency managers, first responders, healthcare professionals or others involved in continuity planning for pandemics.

If you have questions about the course, contact Stephen Borth at (301) 447-1249 or via email at  If you have questions about State training activities or scheduling, contact Robyn Knappe at (720) 852-6617 or at