COEmergency Pages

Boulder County/OEM Resources - Fourmile Canyon Fire

Fire Information (size, containment status, structures, agencies involved)
U.S. Incident Information Site - INCIWEB -

Local Information (shelters/housing, volunteers/donations and local gov response)
Boulder Emergency Management -
Boulder County (and City) Government -

Updated one-pager of Fourmile Canyon Fire/Boulder Resources

Boulder Call Center for public inquiries - (303) 413-7730

Boulder County is asking all evacuated residents to contact the County at: with full name, address of affected residence, primary or secondary residence, whether they received notification that residence is damage or destroyed, phone number where they can be immediately reached and if they require long-term housing (non-shelter) assistance

Boulder Fire Assistance Center is established at 3482 North Broadway in Boulder
Note:  The fire assistance center is not a shelter.  It offers services, including mental health, food and basic needs assistance, longer-term housing options, insurance claim advice, medical case management, senior services and coordination with local nonprofits for clothing/special needs. Boulder Fire Assistance Center Number is:  (303) 441-3560

Boulder Red Cross Shelter is established at Boulder YMCA, 2850 Mapleton Ave

Volunteer/Donation Management (time/goods/cash) contacts: 211 or (866) 760-6489