COEmergency Pages

Multi-Hazard Emergency Planning for Schools Course - April 12-13, 2010 - Pueblo, CO

The Division is hosting a Multi-Hazard Emergency Planning for Schools (G-362) course on April 12-13, 2010 at East High School, 9 MacNeil Road, Pueblo, CO 81001.

The course is designed to help participants recognize the need to plan for all types of disaster. Since planning is a process, planning is included in every unit and activity. Participants completing the course will be able to explain the importance of a school safety program to others and to lead individuals in their schools and community through the process of developing an effective multi-hazard program.

The target audience for this course is anyone responsible for any aspect of developing, implementing, evaluating or administering a safety program for his or her school or school district. The following audiences are appropriate for and will benefit from this training course: principals and administrators, teachers, parents/PTA members, school board members, district executives, community first responders and school support staff.

To register, complete the DEM Training 75-5 EZ Form. For any questions about this or other DEM training opportunities, contact DEM's Training Officer, Robyn Knappe at