COEmergency Pages

Colorado First Responder Identification Issues - DHS Technology Transition Working Group

Because of the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 201, M-05-24, and other White House guidance that requires all Federal computer systems to require secure forms of identification based on smart card technology and identity-proofing procedures and the likelihood that on large events, both State and Federal responders need to work together, State and Federal emergency managers are collaborating to solve challenges associated with identification of emergency responders.

In Colorado, this effort is led by Bill Miederhoff of the Colorado Division of Fire Safety, who has recently assumed Colorado's representative seat on the newly-formed PIV-I/FRAC Technology Transition Working Group.   PIV-I stands for "Personal Identify Verification - Interoperable and FRAC stands for the First Responder Authentication Credential.  The working group is operating under the Command, Control and Interoperability Division of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Office of the National Capitol Region Coordination and DHS's Office of Security.

According to the Working Group's factsheet, the purposes of the group include looking at best practices and working examples of identify and acess management; identifying areas where DHS can provide research and development support for systems; providing a unified state-level emergency management perspective; and to share information between partner agencies.

For any questions on this initiative or Colorado's representation on the working group, contact Bill Miederhoff, the Division's Emergency Resource Mobilization Officer, at or at 303-239-5835.

Also, if you are attending the 2010 Governor's Emergency Management Conference, be sure to stop by and check out Bill's presentation on State Resource Mobilization on Wednesday morning.  Reference the 2010 Governor's Emergency Management Conference Agenda for more information.