COEmergency Pages

2010 Colorado Governor's Emergency Management Conference Agenda

So, after a lot of hard work and coordination by our Emergency Management Conference Committee, the agenda has been finalized for next week's conference to be held at the Cheyenne Mountain Conference Center in Colorado Springs being hosted jointly by the Division and the Colorado Emergency Management Association.

While I have posted the agenda below, we have also created a site - - specifically for the upcoming conference.  The agenda reviews the three days of presentations, with the first day being an Advanced Emergency Manager Workshop followed by the two-day conference.  On the COEMCON site, you can find in-depth bios and info about the speakers and, as we move through this week and into the conference, many conference materials including handouts, slides, pictures and more will also be posted. 

Too, we are working to capture selected presentations in video/audio and  make them available online.  Also iIn support of the conference, we have established the COEMCON Twitter Feed where up to the minute info about the conference will be circulated.  If you have information and are posting about the conference, we will be using the #coemcon hashtag so include that line in your post and have it included in the stream.  So, to see some of the early work already being done on this effort, go to and type in:


It is a start...  and it will grow from here.  Check back as we add updates, pics/video and to see what your colleagues are posting.  These feeds will be maintained during the conference to get you the latest info regarding presentations, events, activities and to share info between participants.  If you have questions, comments or your own additions to the conference, post them on your feed using the #coemcon.  Now, if you have questions about what any of that sentence means, be sure to stop by my presentations on Social Media as a Force Multiplier for emergency management and I'll see if I can explain it, answer your questions or work with you to find an answer!  If you can't make the presentations, give me a call at (303) 472-4087 or shoot me an email at and I would be happy to talk with you.

For specific information regarding conference registration, contact Cindy Vonfeldt at or visit the conference registration page on the CEMA site.

So, check the COEMCON site out and we'll see you at the conference!