COEmergency Pages

Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Flood Workshop

When we do exercises, we usually have two sessions here at the Emergency Operations Center (EOC).  The first session is a "workshop" designed to run through checklists and procedures, make sure we catch any updates/changes and talk through the scenario.  The second session is, generally, the real-time run through complete with injects designed to complicate the response or to test specific aspects of our procedures we want to stress, break, etc., so that we can fix them.

Today, we are conducting a workshop for a flood.  The intent is to flood at a level large enough to stress local response capabilities and explore how the State might coordinate resources and offer support to affected populations. 

In Colorado, we are familiar with flooding.  It is a necessary component of what happens when snow melts.  Thankfully, we rarely see the massive, overwhelming flood conditions that some areas the country seem to be routinely plagued.  For more info on floods, flash floods and things you can do to be safe, check out DEM's flood page.  In preparation for a flood or any disaster, remember to check out READYColorado for guidance and thoughts on how to prepare your family's emergency kit and communication plan.