COEmergency Pages

DEM Migrates Training Scheduling/Registion to COTRAIN

Very cool training news... 

I just got the word that over the coming months, the Division of Emergency Management will be migrating our training courses into COTRAIN.  This will provide a one-stop shop for State-level public health, emergency management and homeland security-related training opportunities and information. 

If you are in Colorado and in emergency management, health care or other first responder field, you are probably already familiar with the site.  If not, in a quick summary, COTRAIN allows you to quickly find and register for many courses, track your learning with personal online transcripts, access materials, course reviews, and discussions to improve your learning experience. 

As I find out more about the migration timeline, new course offerings and notices, I'll pass them along.  In the meantime, check out the site and if you don't have an acct, register for one and check out the courses already posted.

If you have any questions about Division training opporunities or the migration to COTRAIN, contact Robyn Knappe, the Division's Training Officer at