COEmergency Pages

DEM Advanced Emergency Manager Workshop - Colorado Springs - 2/22/10

I just got some additional info from Robyn Knappe, the Division's Training Officer, about the pre-conference workshop that will be held in Colorado Springs on February 22, 2010, in advance of the 2010 Colorado Governor's Emergency Management Conference

Robyn indicates that she has secured Lucien Canton ( to conduct the pre-conference workshop.  This upper level management workshop is intended for seasoned emergency managers aimed at advanced planning concepts. The bulk of the one day workshop is to give some very detailed ideas on how to start strategicly planning for your jurisdiction. The workshop is designed to enhance existing emergency managers capabilities to build, not just maintain, an effective emergency management program. This workshop is "must have" for those who been in their position for more than two years. The workshop will qualify for 7 hours of management education for your emergency manager certification (CEM/IAEM).

So, come join us for a energetic session on how to build stronger Colorado emergency management programs!  If you have any questions about the pre-conference workshop, contact Robyn Knappe at